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Manifestation Mentoring
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Manifestation Mentoring
Spiritual Mentoring
Energy Healing & Chakra Clearing
Intuitive and Channeled Reading
Customize Your Coaching
My Story
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First Name
Last Name
What brings you to coaching
What is the change or a transformation that you would like to create in your professional or personal life? What is currently getting in the way of you living the desired vision of yourself?
If nothing is at stake and everything is possible, where do you see yourself in ten years?
How will achieving your vision change your life?
What are you most hoping to gain with private coaching? What are the 3-5 specific coaching outcomes that would be most valuable to you at the end of your coaching journey?
What is getting in the way of you achieving the desired outcomes
What other personal or professional goals might you be able to achieve as a result of your growth through coaching?
Where are you in the process of working through the present change
I am just starting
I started recently but I am not making much progress
I've put some work into it, but I feel I am somewhere in the middle
I have made good progress, but I am unsure how to proceed forward
I've done a lot of work already, and I am looking now to fine-tune my approach
I don't know, the goal feels like a moving target
What learning strategies work well for you?
First Name
Last Name
What energizes and motivates you? How might we apply it in coaching?
What are some of your personal strengths that we can count on in coaching?
What challenges might arise that could hinder your coaching journey?
How can I best promote your accountability in coaching?
What would best work for you?
Focused coaching experience (quick coaching intervention)
Three months of coachin
Six months of coaching
One year of coaching
Coaching retainer on a month-to-month basis
Unsure (help me decide)
How often would you like to meet with the coach?
When would you like to start coaching?
When is the best time for you for coaching?
(check all options that apply)
Weekday - morning
Weekday - afternoon
Weekday - evening
Weekend - morning
Weekend - afternoon
Weekend - evening
Are there any other practical considerations that you'd like to share (e.g. time zone difference, other factors)?
What else you might want me to know about you?
GDPR Agreement (required)
I consent to have this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.
Thank you for submitting your Customize Your Coaching form! 🌟
We've received your information and are excited to tailor our coaching to your needs.
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